How to Generate list of emails

Step-by-step guide

  1. Press on 'Your name' button in upper right corner. See this example 
  2. Press 'Admin' button
  3. Press 'Email List Generator'
  4. To download list of customers:
    1. Press 'Customers'
    2. Press 'Email newsletter (Yes)'
    3. Make sure there is no check mark on 'Email newsletter (No)'
    4. Hit 'Download CSV' button
  5. To download list of leads:
    1. Press 'Leads'
    2. Press 'Email newsletter (Yes)'
    3. Make sure there is no check mark on 'Email newsletter (No)'
    4. Hit 'Download CSV' button
  6. Rename files appropriately
  7. Transfer lists to Mailchimp account